Rigo Commercial

Rigo Commercial2022-09-05T20:43:06+00:00


Rigo Commercial

With a defined range of items with fixed prices, Rigo Commercial sells exclusively Rigo® brand, having its main target the wholesalers, retailers and DIY chainstores.
We implemented the Online Warehouse in order to automate the processes, improving efficiency with the integration of orders in our computer system with delivery times of 24/48h. (For now only available in portuguese market)


The presence of the brand Rigo in several markets has been consolidated in recent years, being present in Portugal, Spain, France, Angola, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Cape Verde and Mozambique.

We currently work with 4 types of clients:

• Paint Factories;

• Large Commercial Surfaces;

Paint Retailers / Wholesalers;

• Large Industry.

Therefore we are an excellent business partner for all paint distributors and retailers, having all the characteristics to complement their core product, ensuring that our distributor is always defended in what concerns the margins.


Rigo achieves an excellent quality / price relation thanks to process automation, continuous improvement philosophy and a small structure.

Our flexibility comes from an extreme care in containing fixed costs that allows us to have a complete range without losing competitiveness.


The Rigo range stands out for its quality and versatility and its objective is to make available to the final customer all the accessories inherent to painting with the exception of the paint and other chemicals.

Our products cover all the phases of painting from the preparation of the surfaces to the application of the paint, passing through the insulation and protection of all the areas to be painted until the painting starts.

You can see here our 2022 Catalogue.

General Catalogue Rigo 2022

Our products cover all phases of painting from surface preparation to paint application, including
application of the paint, including the insulation and protection of all the areas to be painted.

You can see here our catalogue 2022


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